COVID-19 Safety Information — Puget Sound Periodontics | Thomas Kang DDS

West Seattle

2743 California Ave. SW #200
Seattle WA 98116

(206) 519-5337

Federal Way

2505 S 320th St. #330
Federal Way, WA 98003

(206) 400-0800


2731 Eastlake Avenue East
Seattle, WA 98102

(206) 329-0410


625 4th Ave, Suite #201
Kirkland, WA 98033

(425) 658-0850

COVID-19 Safety Information

Dear Patients,

The team at Puget Sound Periodontics is excited to see you!

At the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic we created a six-step approach to create the safest environment possible for us to treat you, our patients. By nature, most medical/dental procedures create risk due to the proximity of the providers and the patients to one another during the physical interaction required for visits. For this reason, several steps have taken place to ensure the safety of you and our team.

The new mask mandate surrounding the latest CDC guidelines for those who have been fully vaccinated has created some confusion as to whether mask need to be worn in dental office settings when vaccinated. To avoid any confusion please note that our policy in regards to masking of our team and our patients remains unchanged at this time.

We applaud those of you who have elected to take the step to become vaccinated as well as our team towards these steps. That said, in health care environments CDC guidelines still recommend masking/face coverings in all non-treatment areas. Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

 As always, if you are feeling any commonly associated signs of COVID -19 or have a known exposure to it in the last 10 days please contact our office to reschedule any upcoming visits.

Personal Protective Equipment Use and Availability

Our office has always utilized PPE that exceeds all governmental requirements, however in light of the Covid-19 pandemic we have enhanced these in-office PPE requirements. Puget Sound Perio Team members will use the following forms of PPE in your interactions.

  1. Face Shield

  2. ASTM level III Mask

  3. Hair bonnet

  4. ASTM level III mask for non-aerosol creating procedure

  5. N95 or equivalent respirator for aerosol creating procedure

  6. Gloves

  7. Eye protection and Face shield

  8. Shoe covers if shoes cannot be appropriately disinfected

Staff Training/refreshers

PSP has always practiced Universal Precautions in the care of our patients. In addition to this we have and will continue to review the following:

  1. Proper handwashing technique:

  2. Appropriate use of PPE:

  3. Education on how infectious respiratory viruses are spread and why disinfection protocols are so important:

  4. Disinfection protocols for high contact points in the circle of care

  5. Review of ADA interim guidance on types of masks

  6. N95

  7. KN95

  8. ASTM Level III – surgical mask

  9. Mask comparison:

Evaluation of existing protocols

In addition to our existing protocols, each team member will be required to complete the following

  1. COVID - 19 Vaccination

  2. If they are feeling unwell, they have been asked to stay home and report to management

  3. Leave unnecessary fashion accessories at home

  4. Be trained on proper operation of Air Purifications systems

  5. Make sure common areas are free of magazines, coffee stations, or other high-touch, non-essentials.

  6. Make sure all patient treatment and waiting areas are appropriately stocked with tissues and hand sanitizer.

Safety Measures to be taken upon arrival at the office to promote social distancing

Upon arrival, patients will be greeted by our business personnel.

  1. At this time, we will give you an oral rinse consisting of 1.5% hydrogen peroxide and direct you to a restroom.

    1. You will be asked to rinse with this solution for 20 seconds and also asked to wash your hands at this time.

    2. If you are not wearing a mask of your own, one will be provided to you.

    3. You will be asked to keep this mask for the duration of your appointment while outside your treatment room.

    4. Hand sanitizer will be positioned throughout the office as will appropriate personal hygiene tissues as needed.

  2. Appointment times will be protracted to allow for appropriate social distancing

    1. For this reason, it is extremely important you understand you must be on time, and patients must be on time.

    2. Please do not be late, and do not be early.

    3. We will contact you if your arrival time needs to be adjusted for any reason.

Safety Measures following treatment

Following the completion of treatment

  1. You will be asked to place the mask back over your face once final x-rays, intra-oral steps have been completed.

  2. We will ensure appropriate post-operative instructions and medications have been provided to you